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Celebrate: unions

Looking for stuff about weddings or civil partnerships? I prefer to think of them both as commitment ceremonies. I appreciate this will probably need some explanation, so please read on. (For lots of spiffing stuff about all sorts of ceremonies see my Blog).
Already have someone in mind to lead your ceremony but still want help? See my Writing-only option.

Commitment celebrations

a young couple looking lovingly into each other's eyes

from £500 (Monday to Friday - 20% discount)


You want to celebrate a special union but you don't want a traditional wedding or civil partnership celebration - have a commitment ceremony instead! After all, weddings and civil partnerships are basically commitment ceremonies at heart.

But commitment ceremonies aren't just a brilliant choice for couples. They're the perfect option if you want to celebrate a polyamorous union.

And then there those who wish to make a collective commitment to a cause, an idea, or a shared endeavour. Perhaps you just want to commit to yourself! 

Create a ceremony with all the razzmatazz of the most spectacular wedding, or something exquisitely intimate. This really is a ceremony for all occasions.

Handfasting celebrations

clasped hands with a bright light surrounding their linked fingers

from £500 (Monday to Friday - 20% discount)


A handfasting is a beautiful way to celebrate a couple union. It can be enhanced with vows, readings, music, and the blessings of friends and loved ones.

Having evolved over centuries from a simple clasping of hands to seal a deal, there are no 'right' or 'wrong' ways of doing it, just a wealth of options that you can personalise to your heart's content.

Include it as a symbolic action within another ceremony, or make it the main event. And just to clear-up one issue: handfasting does not equal pagan (although it's a fab option for couple union with a pagan vibe), so feel free to use it in your celebration whatever your belief system. See my blog for more.

Vow-renewal celebrations

a male couple wearing suits and bow ties and smiling

from £350 (Monday to Friday - 20% discount)


Vow renewal ceremonies are a fantastic way to inject a juicy dose of conscious intent and direction back into an established relationship. Take the opportunity of a special anniversary, a Big Birthday, or other significant event in your shared journey, to reaffirm promises and re-energise vows. Make new ones inspired by the growth and wisdom that comes with experience, maturity and a life shared. 

You meant them the first time, so make them, and mean them, again!


a couple sitting apart on a pier and gazing over out to sea

from £350 (Monday to Friday - 20% discount)


Endings are every bit as important as beginnings, and deserve just as much thought and attention. Ending something well can tie-up loose ends and clear the ground for the seeds of something new to grow freely. 

The end of a relationship, or of a cherished situation, is often difficult and a messy parting can cause lasting harm and regret.

The creation of a parting or de-coupling ceremony is an opportunity to work through a difficult process in a considered and dignified way. And the ceremony itself can be a symbolic act of release, closure and thanks.

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