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the festival celebrant in a black hat with oak-leaf hatpin


the festival celebrant in a beanie
the festival celebrant in black and white
the festival celebrant with a pendant

I'm Paul. Here are 20 quivering, juicy gobbets of intel. about me and my world. I hope they entice you to read on

- and more to the point - decide if I'm the right Celebrant for you.

1) I'm fabulously bonkers. I like my world weird and wonderful.
2) I have a degree in Medieval History, an NOCN Level 3 in Celebrancy and Level 3 Reiki. Oooh!
3) Suits and ties are SO not me. Smart is a kaftan, kilt, kimono or kurta. Costumed ceremony anyone?
4) As a kid I wanted to be a wizard. I still do.
5) I earned my living in libraries but I'm too rebellious to be a proper librarian. Great researcher though.
6) I LOVE ceremonial and ritual. Big or small, simple or complex, dressed-up or dressed down. Bring it on! 
7) I know how to build a straw bale house. 

8) I'm a trained storyteller. Stories are at the heart of a great ceremony, and I can't wait to hear yours.

9) I sing trad folk and early music at open mics (and I'm told I'm quite good at it).

10) Magic(k) is real, but the implications of that are so startling that we're encouraged to believe it isn't.

me in younger days
me sticking my tongue out
me wearing a hat with a feather
me on the beach

11) Aliens, ghosts and cryptids: see Magic(k) above.

12) I've written and led celebrations for 'Wheel of the Year' holidays, and home dedication rituals for friends.

13) My affinity with trees is so strong I suspect I was one in a previous life (or maybe a Dryad?). 

14) I'm an INFP (see Myers-Briggs personality types) or if you prefer, an Enneagram Type 4 with 5 wing.

15) Bureaucracy is my Kryptonite. The Road to Hell is paved with spreadsheets and policy statements.

16) As a kid I was almost an Art Goth. On the 90s scene my nickname was the Gay Druid.

17) Vampire or werewolf? For me it's vampire - not that I have anything against werewolves of course!

18) Bliss is an evening with a friend discussing metaphysics, art, environmentalism or the paranormal.

19) I'm a martyr to carbs and dairy, and I have the physique to prove it. 

20) I'm a proud survivor of chronic anxiety, depression and OCD; I know how tough 'normality' can be.

That's why I believe it's vital to take ownership of your own story, empower it with positivity and CELEBRATE!               

"Paul embodies the magic you find in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. He will cast his spell over you and yours and you will love him for it!"
Dee Dunphy
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